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The AdTech Chat Community, AdTechGod Job Seekers Channel, The Women in Programmatic Network, MAD/Fest, Trinity Lunch, ATS London, , Retail Media Breakfast, InfoSum LGBT+ Brunch, Adweek, The Prebid Summit, and others!

CV Search Tool
Billed Monthly

Perfect for head hunters

Access to CV Search Tool

Subscription package billed monthly.

Single Job Post
Billed Only Once

Perfect for One-Off Hiring Needs

Company Career Page

One Job Post

Job Post is Live for 30 Days

Jobs Featured for the First Seven Days

Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

Promoted Across JIA Media Channels

Gold Package
Billed Monthly

Great for Small Expanding Teams

Access to CV Search Tool

Company Career Page

Three Job Posts Per Month

Job Posts Are Live for 30 Days

Jobs Featured for the First Seven Days

Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

Promoted Across JIA Media Channels

Subscription package billed monthly.

Platinum Package
Billed Monthly

Great for Fast Growing Organisations

Access to CV Search Tool

Company Career Page

8 Job Postings Per Month

Job Posts Are Live for 30 Days

Jobs Featured for 30 Days

Jobs Pinned to Top of Listing for 30 Days

Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

Company Logo Featured on Home Page

Promoted Across JIA Media Channels

Subscription package billed monthly.

Enterprise Package
Billed Monthly

Great for Larger Organisations

Access to CV Search Tool

Company Career Page

25 Job Postings Per Month

Job Posts Are Live for 30 Days

Jobs Featured for 30 Days

Jobs Pinned to top of listing for 30 Days

Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

Company Logo Featured on Home Page

Promoted Across JIA Media Channels

Dedicated Account Manager

Subscription package billed monthly.